Angel investors are accredited investors who use their money to help businesses they view as worthwhile. Learn how to find and work with them.
Businesses can get a capital infusion via private equity and venture capital funding. Learn the differences between the two to choose the right option.
Sole proprietors can use a business credit card to build credit, earn rewards and even out cash flow. Learn how to improve your chances of qualifying.
It can be difficult to keep up with the costs associated with running a farm. Low-interest agricultural loans help farmers stay afloat.
Every new business needs capital, but starting out with a large amount of debt can be a burden. Here's a rundown of small loan options to consider.
Capital and operating grants are two different ways to fund your business. Here's what you need to know before applying for a business grant.
Startups often turn to investors to help grow their businesses. Learn how to find a business investor and what to look for.
Businesses often deal with excess inventory that ties up cash and prevents you from investing in other areas. Learn how to turn excess inventory into cash.