Livestreaming is video content in real time. Learn how to use livestreaming on social media platforms to connect with followers and boost sales.
Social followers don't always want a hard sell, but you must accomplish business goals. Learn what to post and how much of each content type is optimal.
Facebook is the social network with the broadest audience. Make the most of your Facebook business advertising and marketing with these strategies.
There are compelling reasons to advertise on Pinterest. Learn about promoted pins, idea pins, try-on-product pins, collection ads and more.
Every business can benefit from social media, no matter its size or industry. Learn four benefits of using social media and pitfalls to watch out for.
While marketing tactics often shift, influencers still get results when endorsing brands. Here is what a company needs to know.
Influencer marketing is a brand-building tool that can promote your business and improve SEO. Learn how to use influencers in your marketing strategy.
Creating a business profile on LinkedIn is a great way to connect with partners and talent. Learn more about LinkedIn business profiles.
Facebook Live is an effective way to reach customers. Learn how to utilize Facebook Live Q&As to connect with customers, answer questions and drive sales.
Building a social media following is vital for businesses, but be selective about who you follow back. Learn about social media follow-backs.
: Facebook has seen an organic reach drop recently. Learn about Facebook's algorithm changes, what it means for marketers and how to improve your reach.
LinkedIn is an excellent platform for professional networking. Learn tips for LinkedIn networking and why an active LinkedIn presence is crucial.
Successful companies use multiple social media platforms to stay competitive. Here's why you shouldn’t rely only on Facebook and X (Twitter).
Whether you are targeting small or large audience, the success in influencer marketing largely depends on the relationship.
YouTube can put your business in front of a global audience and build your brand. Learn why YouTube is necessary and how to succeed on the video platform.
Big data, together with AI, can help you find your target audience and communicate with it more effectively than ever before.
With over one billion active users, Instagram makes it easy to grow your business on social media.
Contests and sweepstakes can be an engaging part of your social media marketing strategy. However, you must understand the laws governing their usage.
How are marketers and creators planning?
The company's global social media manager reveals how Duolingo was able to capture an entire platform with an iPhone, a mascot, and the right vision.
Social media followers are key to growing your brand reputation. Learn how to engage your social media audience with strategic content and other practices.
Learn how connecting with prospects on social media can improve your lead-generation efforts.
When you understand social media trends, you can adjust your business’ marketing strategy and boost your success. Here is what you should know.
See these embarrassing social media screw-ups from major companies and social media marketing best practices so you don't make the same mistakes.
Social media marketing is an effective and affordable way to connect with your target market. Follow these tips to strengthen your social media presence.
Twitter adds a new dimension to customer support, offering proactive real-time support in a public environment. Learn to use Twitter for customer support.
Social media influencers are in demand, with brands seeking more sponsored content. Learn how much social media stars earn and how they make their money.
Audiences want an authentic connection with the companies they patronize. Create a better brand on social media by considering these seven factors.
More followers don’t always translate into sales, so is social media marketing still important for businesses? Here is why you should make the effort.
If you want to improve your business’s Instagram engagement and grow its following, try using these 15 tips and best practices.