Social media has changed marketing. Learn how to create a social media marketing strategy, what to avoid, and how to ensure successful social media campaigns.
As consumers prefer smartphones over desktop computers, your site must be mobile responsive. Here's how to make your static site look good on all devices.
Every business leader should give their employees informal feedback. It can improve employee performance, company morale and team communication.
Hiring the right freelancer for your company can be challenging. Learn how to evaluate freelancers' skills, experience and reliability before hiring them.
This bureaucratic management theory claims it can increase your business' efficiency. Here is how it works.
Severance pay is sometimes paid out to an employee when they are terminated. Check out these free severance agreement templates and letters.
Employers should understand employees' rights to avoid violating them. Learn about violations like discrimination, wage errors, sexual harassment and more.
Direct deposit is popular among large employers, but what options exist for small businesses? Learn more about direct deposit, including the pros and cons.
Businesses can get a capital infusion via private equity and venture capital funding. Learn the differences between the two to choose the right option.
Your workspace design can boost productivity and efficiency. Learn effective workplace design tips and how workplace design affects productivity.
Learn how to set up a digital archive that is safe, secure and easy to access. Here are three digitization techniques to follow.
Social media is a resource businesses can use to connect with customers and retain brand loyalty. Learn how to use social media for customer retention.
Adapting techniques from the gaming world can help you do better business. Learn how the video game industry's practices can boost your marketing.
Customized and personalized products are becoming popular as companies gain more access to consumer data. Here is what your business needs to know.
An account management strategy dictates how you handle your company's accounts. Learn how to prioritize your accounts and keep your business on track.
Learn the best practices for handling cash flow and other accounting issues. These useful tips and strategies will help you manage business finances.
Millennials are tech-savvy and they want a collaborative and flexible work environment. Here is how their love of tech is altering daily practices.
The restaurant industry is highly competitive. Here's how your restaurant can save money and attract new customers.
Business owners and freelancers can connect easily these days through the Internet. Here are 10 sites that help match independent contracts to jobs.
Small businesses can build an SEO strategy to find new customers, boost website traffic, and build credibility. Learn tips for creating an SEO strategy.
Outsourcing part of your production process can boost efficiency, save money and help you focus. Learn seven tips for evaluating an outsourcing partner.
Learn which documents you should and shouldn't collect in employee personnel files.
Find out how to implement employee phone monitoring, the benefits of doing so and the legalities of "spying" on your workers.
Sole proprietors can use a business credit card to build credit, earn rewards and even out cash flow. Learn how to improve your chances of qualifying.
YouTube can be a powerful way for your business to build a digital community. Here are tips on how to build your audience.
Farm equipment is costly, and for many in the agriculture industry, it's imperative to find affordable financing. Read our guide on farm equipment loans.
Making contacts within the hospitality industry can create opportunities for your business. Learn how to start networking effectively.
Work environments are continually changing, and a company can prepare its employees for that. Learn how to support your workers and create better teamwork.
An MBA isn't as popular or necessary as it once was. Find out why – and whether it's still worth it for your career path.
This guide explains the differences between tethering and mobile hotspots, as well as which one might be better for your business.