Successful entrepreneurs have adjusted marketing and sales mindsets to incorporate digital tools and analytics. Learn today's marketing and sales trends.
Discover how text message marketing helps drive customer engagement and increases purchasing, plus tips on which SMS services to use.
Forget WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. The way to reach more Americans on their cell phones is by the humble SMS text message.
Businesses use texting to support customer service strategies and boost customer satisfaction. Learn seven ways to use text messages for customer service.
Subscription websites foster recurring revenue and deliver content to your customers. Learn the primary components and benefits of subscription websites.
The stock images companies use are often not very good. Take advantage of alternatives to help your content perform better.
Social media influencers are in demand, with brands seeking more sponsored content. Learn how much social media stars earn and how they make their money.
Google Analytics is an essential tool for your business website and marketing strategy. Learn what Google Analytics is, how to set it up and how to use it.
Long waits are frustrating for customers and can cost you their business. Follow these easy tips to improve your customers' waiting experience.
Seasons bring holidays, events and activities that prompt changes in consumer behavior. Learn seasonal marketing strategies to capitalize on the calendar.
Restaurant marketing includes hidden costs for restaurant owners to consider. Learn about hidden restaurant marketing costs and tips on marketing budgets.
Audiences want an authentic connection with the companies they patronize. Create a better brand on social media by considering these seven factors.
Your most valuable asset is your brand reputation. Learn how to protect it by keeping employees and customers happy and using reputation-management tools.
Customer service can make or break a company's success. Learn the costs and types of customer service training and how training can benefit your business.
Direct mail marketing can generate leads and diversify your marketing strategy. Learn the benefits of postcards and letters in direct mail marketing.
If you're too busy to handle customer service, you may consider outsourcing. Before outsourcing customer service to a call center, learn the pros and cons.
One-click purchasing allows customers to enter and save contact, shipping and payment information, making buying much easier and cart abandonment less likely.
Is your client dodging your emails and calls? It might be time to move forward. Here's how to handle the situation.
Gen Z is the newest generation of consumers, with an estimated $300B in buying power. Learn why print marketing may be an effective way to reach Gen Z.
Managing your brand's online reputation is crucial. Learn to connect with your audience and make a good impression on people searching your brand online.
Completing a payment should be the easiest part of your customer's journey. Try to make it as fast and straightforward as possible for them.
Your business can't expand without customer loyalty, so it's crucial to create a smooth, efficient user experience on your website.
More followers don’t always translate into sales, so is social media marketing still important for businesses? Here is why you should make the effort.
Here are the five essential points you need to know to formulate and implement your international digital marketing strategy.
If you want to improve your business’s Instagram engagement and grow its following, try using these 15 tips and best practices.
Learn how to create email marketing campaigns that get subscribers’ attention through several strategies like provocative subject lines and images.
GDPR is a sweeping data privacy law that impacts any business collecting data on EU citizens. Make sure your business is ready with these easy steps.
Marketing is still an important component to promoting a brand, but consumers are more savvy about the process. Here is what you need to know.
Social media marketing is effective for brands, but it's evolving rapidly. Learn how to leverage social media marketing today and identify future trends.
Customer expectations have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To stay competitive, be sure to provide the level of service that customers expect now.